Stock #: BC0020558 VIN: RYU356386/RYU356405/H4715200285/CEA724602 1. Xerox Workcenter M20I Fax, Copier, Fax, Email. 2. Xerox Workcenter M20I Fax, Copier, Fax, Email. 3. Ricoh Aficio 551 Photocopier, scanner, document server, 3 paper drawers, 1,420,232 copies. 4. 2007 Toshiba Studio 351c Colour Printer Copier, 343413 copies, e-filing, Scanner, Document Server, Fax. $180.00 plus $300 conveyance fee, $480.00 total payment obligation before taxes. Listing Report, Warranty. All above specifications and information is considered to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Call 604-522-REPO(7376) to confirm listing availability.